Saturday, March 7, 2009

34 (or 36) weeks

I thought about this post all day yesterday and am obviously late with it now. But, there isn't much to report. I am still having contractions throughout the day. I did have an exciting evening Wednesday night. We laid the boys down for bed and were checking stuff on our computers when I had a contraction. This was no surprise, but then I had another one. Albert was ready for bed, but I told him I was going to have to keep track of these contractions for a few minutes. They were 5 minutes apart. After a half hour or so I called the hospital. When the doctor called back and asked me what was going on, I gave her the brief details and asked, "How do I get them to stop?" She told me to drink 32 oz. of water in 20 minutes and if the contractions didn't stop, to come in. It was 9:45 pm and I did not want to go in. I downed about 24 oz, then went to bed. I figured the contractions would wake me up if they got stronger. Obviously they went away at some point. 

I was impressed that my doctor's nurse called Friday to see how I was doing. I missed the call, but I have an appointment on Monday, so that should be fine. My doctor is going to start checking me on Monday. Though this is not an enjoyable experience, I am looking forward to knowing if I am making any changes or anything. With all of these contractions and pressure, I should at least be thinning out some. We shall see though.

The car seat is strapped in and my bag is in the process of being packed. I will have it packed by the end of the weekend. Then we'll just have to wait.

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