Sunday, April 20, 2008

So Sleepy

I have been trying to work in the yard while the boys are sleeping. Yesterday I mowed our lawn and the neighbor's and several days before that I was working on laying out our flower beds. Today, I thought I would shape up the shrubs out front. C fell asleep on the way home from church this morning, and stayed asleep when I took him out of his car seat. So, I laid him in his bed and planned on giving him his lunch when he woke up. Then, I worked on the bushes. I finished up and he woke up around the same time. I made C his lunch and B piped up that he would like to be held. So, I sat in the chair with B and weights pulled on my eye lids. All of a sudden I was exhausted. I could not keep my eyes open. Every time I semi dosed off, C would yell, "Mommy!" Then he would reach for me. I told him to finish eating, and was hoping to just sleep for a couple of minutes. But, every time I closed my eyes, he fussed at me. When he was finished eating, I got him cleaned up and we sat on the floor. At first, I laid my head on a pillow, and he tried to pull me to sitting. Then, I laid my head on the couch while sitting on the floor. That wasn't going to work either. So, I am now off the bed! I guess with being pregnant and staying out of the sun the last two summers, I have lost my sun endurance. Who knows if I'll ever be able to build it back up to where it was in college. I think I'll just have to drink more water and work outside in the morning, while the boys play. Then I can sleep during nap time too!

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